Advanced Suture Kit - First Aid Medical Supplies Emergency Wound Suture Kit with sterile sutures. This kit has what you need to clean the wound, close the wound and cover the wound. All stainless steel.
- 6 suture packs, 4-0, 5-0, 6-0 nylon with FS needles
- 1 #3 Scalpel Handle
- 2 #10 Scalpel Blade
- 2 #11 Scalpel Blade
- 1 Needle Holder
- 1 Curved Forceps
- 1 Scissors
- 4 Alcohol Prep Pads
- 4 Providone-Iodine Prep Pads
- 2 Dynarex gauze prep pads
- 1 roll 1" medical tape
- Comes with carrying pouch (red or black tbd)